Course curriculum

  • 1
    Financial Breakthrough Part 1
    • Intro of 21 Day Financial Breakthrough Challenge - Your Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Defuse Self Sabatoge! FREE PREVIEW
    • Day #1 of 21 Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Understand If Your Money Grows Before
    • Day #2 of 21 Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Implement the Breakthroughpreneur Mindset
    • Day #3 of 21 Your Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Commit to Circulating Instead Of Spending
    • Day #4 of 21 Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Realize That Time Is Not Money...
    • Day #5 of 21 Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Go To Where The Puck Is Going!
    • Day #6 of 21 Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Stop Just Trying To Make Money!
    • Day #7 of 21 Your Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Operate Out Of Faith Instead Of Fear!
    • Day #8 of 21 Financial Breakthrough Is Guaranteed When You Implement the two paragraph wealth

Only $97.99

Are you sick and tired of being sick, broke and tired? Are you ready for a financial breakthrough? Information cost but it pays for itself ten times over...

You may just be one step from your financial breakthrough and that one step is perhaps found in this course

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