Course curriculum

  • 1
    21 Day Breakthrough Challenge "Day 1-7"
    • Day 1 - Learn the power of why you should personalize, Internalize, and have an accountability partner. You will understand the importance of saying the right thing to... and about yourself! Learn why it's possible, profitable, and probable.. (only 7 min)
    • Day 2- Understand the importance of why you deserve a Breakthrough. (only 5 min)
    • Day 3- Learn the most compelling reason to leave your comfort zone, and why you will never return after learning this secret! (Only 3 min)
    • Day 4-
    • Day 5-
    • Day 6-
    • Day 7-
  • 2
    21 Day Breakthrough Challenge "Day 8-14"
    • Day 8-A never before taught Breakthrough concept that will free you forever of undue pressure and stress. ( only 3 min)
    • Day 9- Discover the only 5 Responses to every situation in life, empowering you to decide more wisely. (only 5 min)
    • Day 10- Learn to harness the power of visualization to experience your next breakthrough. (only 4 min)
    • Day 11 - Learn to use your words to create an atmosphere that is conducive to a breakthrough. (only 3 min)
    • Day 12 - Learn one of the most shocking and thought-provoking secrets about a Master vs the student. (only 3 min)
    • Day 13-Two sentence Wealth Strategy and Ability to get a FREE Book on creating Wealth as well as $1,249.00 wealth seminar ticket! (only 6 min)
    • Day 14 - Learn the law of appropriation and how to leverage it to create massive Breakthrough's ( only 3 1/2 min)
  • 3
    21 Day Breakthrough Challenge "Day 15 - 21"
    • Day 15 - Learn the one guarded secret difference between the people you respect the most and yourself and how you can be more than you ever imagined in the shortest time imaginable! (only 4 min)
    • Day 16 - How The power of someone else's belief in you can release your Breakthrough. (5 min)
    • Day 17 - Discover the simple yet profound principle that will keep you encouraged when most others get discouraged! (only 4 min)
    • Day 18 - Discover the simple yet profound principle that will keep you encouraged when most others get discouraged! (only 4 min)
    • Day 19 - Get introduced to a simple principle that produces almost unbelievable results in record time. You may never be the same when you grasp this principle! (almost 3 min)
    • Day 20 - Learn the 5 observations that a Grandmaster, former Heavyweight Martial Arts Champion and Blackbelt Hall of Fame recipient realized that can change everything forever! (less than 5 min)
    • Day 21- Discover the most powerful story and the principle that can free your mind and heart from the lies and negative influence of others on your life. (8 min)